
Bird News Monday 21st August

The Osprey remains at the Bann Estuary this morning (Donna & Stephen Riddell). This bird was ringed in June 2012 at the nest at Dornoch Firth, N Scotland (Aaron Long).

4 Ruff ringed last night Bann Estuary (Richard Donaghey).

Today at the Barmouth roosts Juvenile Little Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Red-throated Diver, 4 Common Sandpipers, Bar-tailed Godwit, Little Tern, c20 Arctic Tern, c180 Sandwich Tern, 2 Wheatear (Richard Donaghey).

Adult moulting male Black-headed Wagtail still at Myroe Levels this afternoon. Also 2 Spotted Redshank on the shore (Brian Murphy).

22 Mediterranean Gulls on rocks south of Portavogie (Dermot Hughes).

No sign of the juvenile White-winged Black Tern at Lough Beg with one Green Sandpiper present (David Steele).

Black Tern Kinnegar Shore this evening (Tony Dodds).

Short-eared Owl Rathlin but severely injured after presumed collision with power lines (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Little Gull, Richard Donaghey:

Osprey, Donna & Stephen Riddell:

Aaron Long:

Black Tern, Tony Dodds:

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