
Bird News Saturday 12th August

The American Golden Plover was still in the ploughed field north of Shore Avenue at Myroe this morning. (Mark Smiles). The Plover was still present at 1pm but was distant. (Mervyn & Susanne Guthrie). The Plover was still present at 8.45pm. (Chris Murphy).

The Black-winged Pratincole is still present at Blanket Nook in Donegal. (Andrew McMillan).

Three Ruff were at the Bann Estuary this morning. (Aaron Long).

A juvenile Golden Eagle was seen at  approximately 2pm flying north between Foreglen and Derry along the new bypass, then veered off in an eastern direction. (Michael Holgate).

An Osprey flew west over Lough Swilly at 5pm, a Green Sandpiper and six Ruff were also present. (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to David McCreedy for the picture of the Kestrel:

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