
Bird News Thursday 10th August

An adult American Golden Plover is at Meroe - a different bird to that previously seen this summer. A light phase Arctic Skua was at Magilligan (Theo Campbell / Richard Smyth / Derek Brennan)

The best at RSPB WoW this morning was a Common Sandpiper and 2 Arctic Tern (Derek Polley)

An Osprey was at Lough Beg this afternoon, it was an adult bird but a different individual to the one observed on 5th August. Also seen were at least a dozen Ruff including the first juveniles of the autumn(David Steele)

A Franklins Gull was at the Bann Estuary this evening at 9pm (John Spottiswood)

American Golden Plover, Derek Brennan:

Franklins Gull, John Spottiswood:

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