
Bird News Wednesday 23rd August

Last night, an immature Yellow Wagtail was seen at the north end of Myroe (John Spottiswood)

The Osprey was showing again at the Bann Estuary this morning. A dark phase Arctic Skua was also present. (Jonny Rosborough)

A juvenile Spotted Redshank is in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

The Black-headed Wagtail is still showing at Myroe (Brian McCloskey / Colin Macnamee/David Clarke & John Pyper) The Wagtail was still present in the channel at the Roe end of Myroe this evening. (John Spottiswood).

At Lough Beg an Osprey was north of Church Island and 5 Ruff were in the bay. (Richard Grey).

Dundrum Inner Bay had an adult Curlew Sandpiper moulting out of summer plumage at the Ardilea roost, 1 Whimbrel at the Moneycarragh roost and a combined total of 83 Little Egrets between three roosts. (Stephen & Noreen Foster).

Six Ruff were at Killough Harbour. (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to Ian Dickey for the pictures of the Osprey at the Bann Estuary and to David Clarke for the picture of the Black-headed Wagtail:

Reed Warbler, Portmore, Terry Hanna:

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