
Bird News Friday 29th September

 The Grey Phalarope is still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve this morning. (Daniel Newton). The bird is still present this afternoon. (Ed O'Hara).

A Grey Phalarope was on Rathlin this morning. (Hazel Watson & Ric Else)

A Black Tern and a Little Gull were at Magilligan this afternoon. (Stephen Riddell).

A Barred Warbler and a Lesser Whitethroat are on Tory Island in Donegal. (Anton Meehan).

A female Surf Scoter is on Corbally Reservoir at Portrush. (John Clarke).

The Bonaparte's Gull was again on Kinnegar shore. (Daniel Newton)

A Little Gull was at Groomsport. (Richard Weyl).

A Long-eared Owl and 20 Crossbills were on Starbog Road above Larne today. (Brian Halligan).

A Great White Egret was at Lough Beg this afternoon. (Maria Mulholland).

Female Surf Scoter - John Clarke

Grey Phalarope - Ronnie Doggart

Grey Phalarope - Michael Latham

Grey Phalarope - Michael Latham

Grey Phalarope - Viviana Biazzo

Grey Phalarope - Viviana Biazzo

Grey Phalarope - David McCreedy

Grey Phalarope - Garry Wilkinson

Baltimore Oriole Last Weekend - Amy Weir

Black Tern - Donna Riddell

Long-eared Owl - Brian Halligan

Long-eared Owl - Brian Halligan

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