
Bird News Saturday 2nd September

Adult Bonaparte’s Gull again this morning along Kinnegar shore. Also the partially summer plumage Curlew Sandpiper remains here (Daniel Newton).

The Black-winged Pratincole again at the Tready hide, Inch, Co Donegal (Theo Campbell & Chris Ingram). Reappeared at Blanket Nook this evening.

Great White Egret at the Grange, Blanket Nook, Co Donegal (Theo Campbell & Chris Ingram).

2+ Green Sandpipers in the flooded meadows along the Newry Canal north of Jerretpass, Co Down this afternoon further north along towpath from yesterday’s sightings. Also Red Kite over flooded fields (Aaron Long).

Pintail in front of hide at Bann Estuary on mega low tide (Dean Jones).

Merlin from the Starbog Road, Antrim Hills (Catherine MCAuley).

Bonaparte’s Gull, Daniel Newton:

Merlin, Catherine McAuley:

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