
Bird News Thursday 21st September

 The two Pectoral Sandpipers were still in the stubble field at Myroe, a single Pink-footed Goose was also present. (Martin Deehan).

The Lesser Yellowlegs, American Golden Plover, 4 Curlew Sandpipers and 5 Ruff were at Blanket Nook in Donegal this morning. (Chris Ingram).

Two Common Sandpipers were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve and a Raven flew over. (Jonathan Cooke, Derek Polley).

Three Ruffs and an adult Mediterranean Gull were in a flooded field in Ards Airfield, North Strangford Lough. (David Nixon).

The Bonaparte's Gull was still on Kinnegar shore this morning. (Derek Polley)

Gareth Platt is looking for any good pictures of a Cormorant with an orange darvic ring that has been seen around Belfast Lough.

Thanks to Jason Bain for the picture of the Wheatear and to Jonathan Cooke for the picture of the Common Sandpiper:

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