
Bird News Monday 9th October

Lesser Whitethroat trapped on Copeland Island today (Chris Acheson).

Fieldfares and Redwings at the Bann Estuary. Great Northern Diver off Castlerock beach John Clarke).

Small flock of Redwing in abbey at Greyabbey. Single Slavonian Grebe and 2 Jack Snipe at Greyabbey (Nathan Gilbert).

Carrion Crow Rhanabuoy Park, Carrickfergus (Kevin Kirkham).

3 1st winter Common Tern Kinnegar Shore, Ruff Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Bob Watts).

2nd winter Mediterranean Gull Kinnegar Pools (Tom Ennis).

At Myroe the Great White Egret again at the Roe Estuary, also 5 Curlew Sandpipers in the stubble fields, Merlin, and offshore 21 Red-throated Divers, 42 Slavonian Grebes, Great Northern Diver and 6 Common Scoter (Dean Jones).

Barn Owl over M1 south of Lisburn at 840pm (John Spottiswood).

1st winter female Surf Scoter still Corbally Road Reservoir (Colin Mayes).

Lesser Whitethroat, Chris Acheson:

Great White Egret, Dean Jones:

Surf Scoter, Wheatear and Shag, Colin Mayes:

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