
Bird News Saturday 7th October

1st winter female Surf Scoter remains at Corbally Road Reservoir, also a Red-throated Diver (Aaron Long).

Black Tern and 4 Ruff Kinnegar Shore (Garry Armstrong). Lingering Common Sandpiper at Belfast Lough WoW RSPB Reserve (Daniel Newton).

Flighty Snow Bunting on top of Ramore Head keeping a low profile as a Merlin also present (John Clarke).

4 Greenland Wheatear Kearney, 6 Mediterranean Gulls Cloughey (Bob Watts).

Curlew Sandpiper Myroe in field near pile of stones (Michael Latham).

Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Ruff and Merlin from Ballykelly hide (Dean Jones).

White-tailed Eagle at Crom Estate, Co Fermanagh (Kevin Kirkham).

A Curlew Sandpiper and a Ruff on the north side of Dundrum near Ardilea Bridge (Richard Caves).

Curlew Sandpiper, Michael Latham:

Black Tern, Garry Armstrong:

Ruff, Richard Caves:

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