
Bird News Thursday 26th October

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen in flight over Tullywest Road, Crumlin this morning (Garry Wilkinson)

The Hawfinch remains on Tory Island along with two Brambling (Anton Meenan)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Colin Glen Forest (Ivan Cullen)

The Great White Egret was still at Ballycarry (Paula Campbell)

Two Cattle Egret were at Shore Road, Dundalk (David McCreedy)

Malin Beg, Donegal had 6 Greenland Whitefronts and two Blackcap in ‘Magic Garden’. Two Blackcap were in Malinmore and 530 Barnacle Geese were out at Shalwy, Kilcar (John O’Boyle)

A Short Eared Owl was present on Copeland Bird Observatory this afternoon. (Chris Acheson)

Two Black-throared Divers, two Red-throated Divers and 12 Common Scoter were at Magilligan. 9 Pinkfeet were in a Whooper flock at Myroe (Garry Wilkinson / Nigel Moore)

Redwing, Paul Hilton:

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