
Bird News Tuesday 17th October

Yesterday a male Hen Harrier was at Portmore RSPB Reserve (Paul Hilton)

Also yesterday a Short-eared Owl was at Inch, Co Donegal (Daniel Moloney)

A Curlew Sandpiper is still at RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton)

An Osprey is fishing at the Bann Estuary. A Carrion Crow was on the Portstewart side of the estuary. (John Clarke). The Osprey was still present this afternoon (James McDowell).

A Carrion Crow was in a garden at Larne this morning (David Gillespie)

A ring-tailed Hen Harrier was near the east Lighthouse on Rathlin Island today. (Geoff Fawcett)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a garden near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson)

The Lesser Yellolegs was still off the platform at Inch, Donegal. The Ring-necked Duck and Curlew Sandpiper were off Tready hide. (Derek Brennan)

THe Great White Egret was south of Church Island, Lough Beg (Neil Reid)

Over 1,000 Whooper Swans were at Myroe. (James McDowell).

A Sabine's Gull was off the lookout point at Ballyquintin at 5pm. (Nathan Gilbert).

Osprey, James McDowell:

Great Spotted Woodpecker, Garry Wilkinson:

Neil Reid, Great White Egret (with Little Egrets and Grey Herons):

Gary Gray, Merlin

Gary Gray, Sparrowhawk

David McCready, Bar-tailed Godwit

David McCready, Bar-tailed Godwits

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