
Bird News Wednesday 11th October

Three Black Terns are at Kinnegar Shore this morning (Jonathan Cooke)

The first year female Surf Scoter is still at Corbally, Portrush (John Spottiswood)

Two Arctic Skua are at Magilligan (John Clarke / Ian Dickey)

Approximately 12 Fieldfare were seen travelling at height between Greenisland and Carrickfergus. (Kevin Rice)

3 Arctic Skua, 13 Red-throated Divers and 1 Great Northern Diver were seen from Killough in a short mid-morning seawatch (Chris Murphy)

3 hours at Bloody Foreland from 8am had 16 Bonxie, 8 Arctic Skua, 1 Leach's Petrel and 14 Sooty Shearwater (Ralph Sheperd)

A Wheatear was at Seacliffe Road, Bangor (James Andrew)

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