
Bird News Friday 17th November

Female/immature Bufflehead remains at Corbally Reservoir (Melvyn Campbell).

Still about 30 Waxwings present on and off at Ballybogy late morning with up to 80 present yesterday (Richard Donaghey).

Off Macedon Point looking towards Belfast drake and duck Long-tailed Duck, 2 Slavonian Grebe, also 10 Pochard, 30 Goldeneye, 4000+ Eider in deeper water (Stuart McKee).

3 Red-throated Divers close in off Kinnegar Shore at 2pm (Gilly Irwin).

Red-throated Diver in Victoria Park at 4pm (Kevin Kirkham).

2 Goosander at Glynn, Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).

4 Great White Egret at Portmore Lough RSPB (David Gillespie).

Curlew Sandpiper again at the south end of Lough Beg, with at least 7 Long-tailed Duck still (David Steele).

Spotted Redshank back again at Moneycarragh roost at Dundrum South Inner Bay (David Nixon).

The Lesser Scaup remains at Inch Marshes, Co Donegal (BAND).

Short-eared Owl at Ballyspurge on the Outer Ards this afternoon (Ricard Weyl).

One Whimbrel and 2+Sandwich Terns at Donaghadee (Stephen Foster & Abbie Kilgore).

Yesterday’s Green-winged Teal, Daniel Maloney:

Red-throated Diver, Kevin Kirkham:

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