
Bird News Tuesday 28th November

Yesterday a Ruddy Shelduck of unknown origin was feeding with Shelduck on the mudflats along the banks of the Newry River between Newry and Warrenpoint. (Stephen Foster, Abbie Kilgore, Niamh McDermott). From photographs this bird now appears to be a hybrid Ruddy Shelduck x Shelduck. 

Whitehead seafront between 8 - 9am had 114 Red-throated Diver and 5 Great Northern Diver, all flying into Belfast Lough. 1 Great Skua was also seen. (Ian Enlander).

Four Slavonian Grebes, a female Long-tailed Duck, 4,000 Eider and the Scoter flock were between Macedon Point and Giants Park in Belfast Lough. (Stuart McKee).

Three Slavonian Grebes and the presumed hybrid falcon were at Myroe. (Stephen Riddell).

Nineteen Purple Sandpipers were between Orlock and Groomsport, a Sandwich Tern and 8 Mediterranean Gulls were at Ballyholme. (Dermot Hughes & John O'Boyle).

Around 25 Common Scoter were at Magilligan this afternoon. (John Clarke).

The flock of approximately 25 Waxwings were still along the Ballybogey Road approximately 1 mile outside of village towards Ballymoney. (Richard Hunter).

Two Great White Egrets were reported near Ballycastle. (Irishbirding).

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