
Bird News Friday 22nd December

 The Long-tailed Duck is still at the Quoile Pondage outside Downpatrick. (Aaron Long).

A Great White Egret is at Reedy Flats. (Ed O'Hara)

At least 3 Twite were at Whitehead seafront. (Ian Enlander).

An adult Mediterranean Gull and 5 Sandwich Terns were in Killyleagh Harbour this afternoon and a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was at nearby Nicky's Point. (David Nixon)

A Great Northern Diver was off Ballygally. (Jeff Higgott).

Long-tailed Duck, Aaron Long.

Twite, Ian Enlander

Long-tailed Duck, Michael Latham

Twite, Jeff Higgott

Goldcrest, Juliet Fleming

Long-tailed Duck, Garry Wilkinson

Long-tailed Duck, John Mason

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