
Bird News Sunday 3rd December

Six Waxwing were still at Whitehead ;Michael Latham / Jonathan Cooke / Gerard McGeehan)

The Marsh Harrier as at Reedy Flats (Ryan Holgate)

Myroe had 46 Slavonian Grebe, two Lobg-tailed Duck and a Merlin (Stuart McKee / Garry Armstrong)

A Water Pipit is at Ballyfrench north of Portavogie (Richard Weyl)

Still at least 15 Waxwings 2 miles S of Castlerock on Glebe Rd near Hegarty's Corner by Artidillon Rd junction 13:45. (John Spottiswood). 65 Waxwing were seen there at 15:15 (Dennis Weir)

A Red-crested Pochard female was at Lough Shark Poyntzpass Co. Armagh. (Joe Devlin)

A second winter Iceland Gull was at Enniskillen Dump (Ronan Owens)

Waxwing, Whitehead, Michael Latham:

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