
Bird News Wednesday 13th December

 At least 8 Waxwings were in front of the primary school in Waterfoot. (Geoff Campbell).

Anyone going to look for these birds are reminded of the sensitivities of birdwatching or photography around schools and should act accordingly.

A single male Snow Bunting was on Divis summit trail this morning. (Paul Hilton).

Two Great White Egrets and a Merlin were at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh this morning. (Ed O'Hara).

A female Brambling is visiting a garden in Ballymena. (Jeff Larkin).

The Slavonian Grebe is still at Glenarm Marina. (Jonathan Cooke).

Purple Sandpipers are still on the shore of Belfast Lough, opposite the pond between Whiteabbey and Hazelbank Park. (Timothy Davis).

A Marsh Harrier was on the north side of Lough Beg woods. (Mark Smyth).

Around 40 Waxwings were off the Old Glenarm Road in Larne this afternoon. (Matthew Porter).

This morning approximately 100 Waxwing in loose groups were on Brustin Brae Road - main concentration around Ballycraigy Bridge, Larne. The Slavonian Grebe was still at Glenarm Marina. A male Goosander and minimum 6 Common Scoter + 8 Red-throated Diver off Glencloy car park, Carnlough The male Mandarin Duck was still at the mouth of the Inver River, Larne. (Ian Enlander, John O'Boyle + Dermot Hughes).

A Barn Owl was at Cromore Road at the University of Ulster in Coleraine. (Peter Hough).

70 Waxwings were in Ballycastle. (Irishbirding).

The two juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Geese were feeding with the large Brent flock, in one of the fields between Dundrum South Inner Bay and Murlough. They were mostly on the outer edge of the flock as the other geese were giving them a hard time! (David Nixon)

4 Twite were at Whitehead seafront. (Cameron Moore).

The Green-winged Teal was reported again at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. 

Paul Hilton, Snow Bunting

Matthew Porter, Waxwings

Jonathan Cooke, Slavonian Grebe

Ed O'Hara, Great White Egret & Merlin

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