
Bird News Friday 5th January

2 Slavonian Grebes from Hazelbank (Stuart Cossey).

Crossbills at Lower Woodburn Reservoir (Stuart Cossey).

Adult Mediterranean Gull on Kinnegar Shore (Garry Armstrong).

Black Redstart at Whitehead ranging between the boatyard end of the sea wall and by the lower car park at the start of the Blackhead coastal path (Conor McCoy / Cameron Moore).

Last night 715 Pied Wagtails roosted outside Iceland, Bridge St, Belfast (Chris Murphy).

436 Barnacle Geese (feral) at Ballymoran Bay, Killinchy, Strangford Lough an exceptionally large flock (Chris Murphy). Later in a field off Whiterock Road opposite Willow Brook Farm (Dave Weir).

Great White Egret and a male Kestrel at Reedy Flats (Ed O’Hara).

Short-eared Owl at Divis (Stuart Cossey).

Approximately 60 Waxwings at Mullaghboy, Islandmagee (Jonathan Cooke).

Great Northern Diver at Newcastle Harbour, also 6 Red-throated Divers (David McCreedy / Mike McLaughlin).

Waxwings, Jonny Hanna:

Barnacle Geese, Dave Weir:

Red-throated Diver, Michael Latham:

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