
Bird News Wednesday 24th January

Both 1w and 2w Little Gulls remain at Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson.

7 Velvet Scvoters flew into Eider flock in line with Kilroot pier viewed from Macedon Point (Dermot Hughes).

5 Twite at Portmuck (Adam McLure).

Canada Goose with Greylag flock at Closet Meadow, Oxford Island NNR. Presumed smaller race seen recently at Reedy Flats (Ed O’Hara / David McCreedy).

20 Waxwings still between James Ellis Bridge and Victoria Park (Philip McErlean).

Adult Mediterranean Gull at Whitehead seafront (Cameron Moore).

Great White Egret from the hide at Randalstown Forest (Maria Mulholland).

A Snow Bunting was at Crockbrack in the Sperrins. (David Steele).

Waxwings, Philip McErlean:

Lesser Redpoll, Robert Plant:

Whooper Swan, Robert Plant:

Canada Goose, David McCreedy:

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