
Bird News Friday 16th February

10 Waxwings at Lisburn Lesiure Centre in the back car park (Garry Wilkinson).

Spotted Redshank on the wader scrape beside the Brent hide at Castle Espie (Nathan Gilbert).

3 Pink-footed Geese amongst 201 Whooper Swans at Tunney, near Portmore Lough (Jim Wells).

Male Lesser Scaup still present at Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island looking east from the jetty (Niall Keogh / Alan Lauder / Joe Proudfoot). 

6 Slavonian Grebes off Castle Espie (Niall Keogh et al).

2 Sandwich Terns at Ballymacormick Point (James Andrew).

A minimum of 8 Great White Egrets along with 60+ Little Egrets at the south end of Lough Beg this afternoon, also a 1st winter little Gull still at the Mullagh (David Steele).

Great White Egret at Portmore Lough RSPB this evening (Jonny Rossborough).

Male Brambling in a Whitehead garden (Cameron Moore).

Cormorant, Jonny Hanna:

Spotted Redshank, David Weir:

Waxwings, Garry Wilkinson:

Lesser Scaup, Jonny Rossborough:

Bramblings, Cameron Moore:

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