
Bird News Friday 2nd February

Craigantlet Hills had 7 Pink-footed Geese with 20 juv Whoopers and 29 adults (Tony Dodds)

A flock of 30 plus Waxwing were at Cabin Hill Park / Kings Road, Belfast (Wilton Farrelly)

An adult Iceland Gull and a Mediterranean Gull were at Kinnegar Shore, Belfast (Dermot Hughes / Albert Boyle). The Iceland Gull was later at RSPB WoW (Stuart Cossey)

Reed Flats had a Great White Egret, Merlin and a Knot (Ed O’Hara)

The hybrid Ring-billed Gull was still at Millisle (George Gordon)

Four Cattle Egrets are in the field at the end of Shore Road, Toome. (David Steele)

Two Sandwich Tern and a Red-throated Diver were at Killyleagh (Danny Gibson) 

Five Great White Egret were at Portmore (Richard Caves)

Killybegs had an adult and 1w Iceland Gull. Also a 1w Glaucous x Herring Gull (Robert Vaughan)

Iceland Gull, Albert Boyle:

Great White Egret, Richard Caves:

SAndwich Tern, Danny Gibson:

You can see further local bird pics at:

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