
Bird News Monday 12th February

Yesterday an adult White-tailed Eagle was on Upper Lough Erne. (Rodney Moates)

A drake Smew was at the Bayshore Car Park, Ardmore, Lough Neagh (Stephen Fyffe / Declan Murphy / Des Higgins)

The drake Lesser Scaup was showing well today off the Waterside Hide, Kinnego Bay, Oxford Island (Clifford Sharpe / Declan Murphy / Des Higgins)

The Long-tailed Duck is still at Myroe (Martin Deehan)

A Great White Egret was still at Reedy Flats (Ed O’Hara).

Two Great White Egret were at Portmore (Garry Wilkinson)

The Cattle Egret was still present this afternoon at Brankins Island Road, Lough Neagh (Richard Caves)

This sinensis Cormorant was at Kinnegar yesterday, Ed O'Hara:

Lesser Scaup, Danny Gibson:

Lesser Scaup, Aaron Long:

Cattle Egret, Lough Neagh, Richard Caves:

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