
Bird News Monday 19th February

Drake Lesser Scaup remains with the Tufted Duck flock at some distance at Kinnegoe Marina, Oxford Island NNR (Kevin Kirkham / Juliet Fleming).

Waxwings still this morning at the entrance to Victoria Park (Stephen Dunbar).

23 Waxwings on Connswater side of Victoria Park 11-12 noon (Paul Hilton).

Spotted Redshank still at Castle Espie WWT on the wader scrape (Jonathan Clark).

Black-necked Grebe and drake Smew at Todd’s Corner, Ardmore (Clifford Sharpe).

Approximately 50 Twite at Portballintrae (John Clarke).

4 Great White Egrets at Portmore Lough RSPB; from viewing platform 1 at back of scrape with 3 in field to the right (south) but no sign of the male Brambling (Kevin Kirkham).

Green-winged Teal at Inch Marshes, Co Donegal (Derek Brennan).

The Cattle Egret is still at Brankins Island Road (Juliet Fleming).

Late news from yesterday Black-throated Diver and 2 Slavonian Grebes off Kircubbin Sailing Club, Pink-footed Goose amongst the feral Barnacle Goose flock Whiterock, Spotted Redshanks at Dundrum Inner Bay South and Comber Estuary, 2 Jack Snipe Tullyratty, Castleward (Chris & Tim Murphy).

Spotted Redshank, Jonathan Clark:

Green-winged Teal, Derek Brennan:

Lesser Scaup, Juliet Fleming:

Cattle Egret, Juliet Fleming:

Waxwings, Tim Jess:

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