
Bird News Tuesday 6th February

3 Pinkfeet were with Whoopers along Feumore Road near Portmore. (Kevin Kirkham) 

The Cattle Egret is just beyond the bridge on Brankin's Island Road, Lough Neagh. (Kevin Kirkham / Richard Caves)

At least 4 Great White Egret are still at Portmore RSPB (Kevin Kirkham)

25-30 Waxwing were still along the Connswater River at Victoria Park (Stephen Dunbar)

A red head Smew and Great White Egret are at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh (Ed O’Hara)

The Black Redstart along with 3 Twite were seen at Whitehead seafront. 3 Brambling were seen in a garden in Whitehead. (Cameron Moore)

The Long-tailed Duck was still off Steamboat Quay, the Quoile (David Stirling)

A probable Great White Egret flew over Sprucefield just after 2.30 this afternoon. (Suzanne Belshaw)

Cattle Egret, Richard Caves:

Brambling, Cameron Moore:

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