
Bird News Wednesday 1st May

At least one female Marsh Harrier still at Portmore Lough RSPB (Aaron Long).

Whimbrel at Lady Bay (Aaron Long).

Drake Garganey at Quoile in Collectors Bay then flew towards Quoile Yacht Club at 1330 visible from first parking place between the hide and yacht club (Daniel Bailie / Chris Murphy). Earlier immature White-tailed Eagle with wing tag sporting letter N (Daniel Bailie).

2 Arctic and 26 Common Terns at Quoile (Chris Murphy).

An hour seawatch at St John’s Point this morning produced 7 Common Scoter, 15 Red-throated Diver, 7 Whimbrel, 29 Sandwich Terns and 3 Bottle-nosed Dolphins. Sedge Warbler and Stock Dove in Kelly’s Wood. 2 Common Sandpipers Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy).

Spotted Flycatcher and Garden Warbler on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

A late Whooper Swan with 2 Mute Swans at Finnebrogue (Chris Murphy).

At least one Dark-bellied amongst c300 Brent Geese at Killough (Chris Murphy).

Iceland Gull at mouth of River Bush. Grasshopper Warbler and several Sedge Warbler Portballintrae. 18 Whimbrel Dunseverick (Juliet Fleming).

A Cuckoo heard this afternoon at Peatlands Park at Derryhubbert Bog (Philip McErlean).

Swift over Derry railway station (John Spottiswood).

Flock of 30 Whimbrel still at Culmore Country Park (David Hill).

Grasshopper Warbler in Ballycastle Forest (James McDowell).

Cuckoo still at Ballymacormick Point close to the Ballyholme entrance (James Andrew).

Garganey, Aaron Long & Chris Murphy

Whimbrel, David Hill:

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