
Bird News Friday 10th May

The drake Lesser Scaup and a Great White Egret are still at Blanketnook, Donegal (Theo Campbell / Chris Ingram)

A Short-eared Owl was on Copeland BO this morning (Megan Eastick)

The drake Garganey was still at Portmore RSPB this afternoon (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop / David Gillespie). An adult Mediterranean Gull and 3 Common Tern were also present (David Gillespie)

A male Garganey (a dull individual already well into its summer moult) is at Lough Beg- it’s a different bird to the one on 5th May (which was in full breeding plumage). The male Ring-necked Duck is also present. There was no sign of the Little Ringed Plover (David Steele)

A Dark- bellied Brent (probably 2) was with 80 Brent in Dundrum South Inner Bay today. 6 Whimbrel were also present. (David Nixon)

Dark-bellied Brent, David Nixon:

Ring-necked Duck, David Steele:

Sanderling flock, David Hill:

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