
Bird News Sunday 23rd June

The Red-necked Phalarope is still in the south-west corner of Lough Beg. (Jeff Larkin)

The Iceland Gull was still at Portballantrae (Stephen Riddell)

RSPB WoW had a Whimbrel and 23 Knot (Stuart Cossey)

Three Great Spotted Woodpecker have been visiting a garden at Killyleagh (Paul Megahey)

Two Twite were at Fair Head (To Garner)

The Red-throated Diver remains at Ballyholme, Bangor (David Rainey)

An Osprey was at RSPB Portmore this evening (Aaron Long)

A record shot of yesterdays Pectoral Sandpiper:

Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Paul Megahey:

Red-throated Diver, David Rainey:

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