Bird News Monday 23rd September

The Whiskered Tern is still at Lough Beg today, favouring the northern end (David Steele)

A sub-adult White-tailed Eagle was at Inch Lake, Donegal this morning. 8 Ruff were also seen. (Theo Campbell)

A Little Stint was at Blanketnook, Donegal (Derek Brennan)

The Black Tern was still at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (David McCreedy)

A Pink-footed Goose was with the Greylag flock around Doagh/ Ballyclare, viewed from the Deerpark Road (Ivan Quail)

An adult Iceland Gull flew over the  Albertbridge, Belfast, River Lagan  headed inland towards east Belfast docks area (Paul McCullough)

4 Ruff - 1 winter plumaged male, 3 juveniles were at ESPB WoW (Tom Ennis)

Also at Lough Beg today were three Great White Egrets, a Hen Harrier, 16 Ruff and four male Greater Scaup (David Steele)

Whiskered Tern at distance, David Steele:

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