
Bird News Sunday 15th September

Flock of 10 Twite at Magheracross (Donna Riddell).

3 Ruff at Belfast Lough WoW (Daniel Newton).

2 Pink-footed Geese at Myroe (Ian Dickey).

The juvenile Curlew Sandpiper remains in the channel at the Roe end of Myroe Levels but no sign of Pinkfeet early afternoon (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee/David Steele).

Adult Bonaparte’s Gull again at Ballygally at south end of beach (Neal Warnock).

Common Sandpiper at Kinnegar Pools (Paul Hunter).

Single Pomarine and Arctic Skua off Copeland and a Hen Harrier over (Thomas Miller et al).

2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers at Lagan Meadow (Mel O’Hagan).

2 Arctic Skuas, summer plumaged Great Northern and 3 red-throated Divers at Magilligan (Garry Armstrong / Stuart McKee/David Steele). Also an adult Little Gull and 2 juvenile Arctic Terns (Jeff Larkin).

Whimbrel, 6 White Wagtail, 2 Blackcap, 4 Red-throated Diver at Ballyquintin Point (Richard Weyl).

2 Arctic Skuas, 3 Red-throated Divers, 4 Common Scoters and a Whimbrel Ramore Head (Daniel Newton / Michael Latham / Aaron Long).

Barred Warbler on Tory Island, Co Donegal (Anton Meenan).

Common Sandpiper, Paul Hunter:

Arctic Skuas, Michael Latham:

Barred Warbler, Anton Meenan:

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