
Bird News Sunday 22nd September

The Whiskered Tern is still at Lough Beg, to the north of Long Point and distant. (David Steele). The Tern was still showing distantly this afternoon, 2 Great White Egrets and a Hen Harrier were also seen. (Aaron Long).

The juvenile Marsh Harrier and a single Ruff were off Croaghan hide at Oxford Island this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

The Green Sandpiper was still at the Blackstaff river near Dundrum. (Michael Latham).

An Arctic Skua was chasing Kittiwakes off Bloody Bridge outside Newcastle this morning. (Stephen Foster).

A Merlin, 3 Wheatear and 3 White Wagtails were at St John's Point, 40 Pinkfeet were in the stubble field opposite St John's Church. (Chris Murphy).

The Pinkfoot and 3 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Garry Armstrong).

A Black Tern was at Portmore. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

An Arctic Skua and a Merlin were on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

5 Whooper Swans were at Balls Point on Lough Foyle this afternoon. (Graham McElwaine).

A ringtail Hen Harrier was at the southern end of  Spelga dam in the Mournes, 3 Red Kites were also in the area. (Heather Lysk).

Green Sandpiper, Michael Latham.

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