
Bird News Wednesday 11th September

With the strong north westerly winds, it has been a good day for seawatching. Sightings are below and a number will involve some duplication:

Rathlin Island this morning had 9 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas, Great Skua, 2 Storm Petrels and breaching Minke Whale (Ric Else)

15 Leaches Petrel were seen in 2 hours this morning birds all heading west towards Portstewart from Rinagree, also Sabine’s Gull, several Arctic and Great Skuas (John Clarke)

At lunchtime an Arctic Skua was at RSPB WoW on the mud - last seen at 12:30 (Gerard McGeehan)

Ramore Head, 0830 - 1100 had 31 Leach’s petrel, 7 juvenile Sabine’s Gull, 3 Sooty Shear, 5 Arctic Skua, 4 Bonxie and 16 Arctic Tern. (Matthew Tickner)
Circa 90 mins this evening had 12 Leach’s, 3Sooty Shearwater, 6 Arctic Skua, 11 Arctic Tern (Matthew Tickner). A juvenile Sabines Gull was also seen early evening along with a further 3 Leach’s, 3 Sooties, 2 Bonxies, Arctic Skua and c30+ Commic Terns mostly Arctic with a probable Black (Bob Watts). An adult Mediterranean Gull was at the East Strand car park, Portrush (Stephen & Donna Riddell).
Also reported from Ramore Head this morning were 8 Sabines Gull, 2 Grey Phalarope and a Balearic Shearwater (Ian Thompson). 21 Leach’s Petrels 12-4 (Stuart McKee). Probably a minimum of 70+ Leach’s Petrels seen during the day by various observers.

A seawatch from Fanad lighthouse car park. 8:10-11:10 had Sooty's 113 (first half hour only), Bonxie 26, Arctic skua 1, Leachs Petrel 17, Storm Petrel 3. From the lighthouse were seen 2 adult Sabines Gulls and a Whimbrel (Jamie Bliss)

This morning Magilligan Point had Arctic Skua - 22, Bonxie - 13, Little tern - 1, Sabines Gull - 1, Arctic Tern - 1 (Jonny Rosborough, Ian Dickey and Kenny Moore)

Copeland Bird Observatory this morning had 2 Arctic Skua and 4 Storm Petrel (Thomas Miller)

A Black Tern was seen this morning at Ramore Head (Ivan Maggini)

A seawatch at Malin Head between 0630-1030 had Wilsons Petrel - 2, Sooty - 580, Great Shear - 8, Cory's - 9, Bonxie - 7, Arctic Skua - 6, Pom - 2, Storm Petrel - 5, Leachs - 1, (Kendrew Colhoun, Mark Davenport, Daniel Moloney)

Melmore Head Donegal from 7.30 to about 3.00 had 14 Leaches Petrel, 3 Sabines, 3 Grey Phalarope, circa 2000 Sooties, 1 juv Long-tailed Skua, 2 Poms, 10 Arctic Skua, 44 bonxies, 107 Arctic terns and 3 Whimbrel (Eric Randall)

Last night a Long-eared Owl was hunting at the Comber end of the Greenway. (Chris Shaw)

An adult hobby flew west across A26 Ballymena Antrim road (near Ballymuckvea landfill) at 17.10. (Richard Gray)

A Black Tern and an Arctic Tern were at Lough Beg in blustery conditions this evening. Two Pink-footed Geese were seen yesterday evening. (David Steele)

Juvenile Sabines Gull, Jonny Rosborough:

Ruff, RSPB WoW, Michael Latham:

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