
Alicante - the truth!

We've been giving Derek a hard time of late but to be honest it was just a cover story - he really is in Alicante! He just had to have a wee break from the stress of running one of the most successful blogs in Northern Ireland wildlife internet history with over 400 links to wildlife websites visit us on facebook twitter over 1300 wildlife photos got loads of friends everybody likes us coming to a cinema near you blah blah blah. We don't blame him for running away - we need a holiday too.

As hard as it is to believe we're really not telling lies this time when we say he saw all this today:

Red-necked Phalarope, Gull Billed Tern (300), Little Bittern (10), Great White Egret, Purple Heron (50), Night Heron (20), Glossy Ibis (10), Audoiun's Gull (30), Great Reed Warbler (10), Collared Pratincole (500), Marsh Harrier (5), Moustached Warbler, Purple Gallinule (5), Iberian Wagtail ((10) and  Kentish Plover (30),

Kentish Plover
by Derek Charles

Collared Pratincole
by Derek Charles

(500 of them!)

Purple Heron
by Derek Charles

Now, either he is in Killybegs (at the wrong time of year) or he's a really good liar.
Anyway, we've realised that despite all efforts to the contrary we're still up near the hundred mark on the Fatbirder Top 1000 - this is despite intense negative voting by the NIBA committee. At this rate Derek may never come back from Alicante - the pressure is just too much. What are you people trying to do to us? If he doesn't come back there'll never be another rare gull up here again!

Update -we're down to 121 at the time of this post - people must really like Derek!