
Saturday 17th July News

Laughing Gull - 1 (2nd summer), Ballycastle, Co.Antrim (David Steele)
                            (seen in the marina area eating chips then flew to the river mouth)
Black-tailed Godwit - 18, Ardilea, Dundrum inner Bay North, Co. Down
Tree Sparrow - 8, Ardilea, Dundrum inner Bay North, Co. Down
Tree Sparrow - 12, St. John's Pt., Co. Down
Sanderling -2, St John's Point, Co. Down (Keith Bennett)
Puffin - 1, St John's Point, Co. Down (Keith Bennett)
Red-throated Diver - 1, St John's Point, Co. Down (Keith Bennett)
Little Egret - 1, Dundrum Inner Bay South, Co. Down (Keith Bennett)

Laughing Gull - the best bird in Northern Ireland today and we don't even have a picture of it, standards are slipping. Concerns have been raised for the longevity of this gull given the amount of chips and bread it's been fed in the last fortnight - low fat yoghurt, lentils and celery have been suggested as alternatives (wrapped in bacon).

Co. Donegal
Baird's Sandpiper - 1 (juvenile), Blanket Nook, Co. Donegal (Chris Ingram)
Curlew Sandpiper - 1 (summer plumage), Blanket Nook, Co. Donegal (Chris Ingram)

Thanks to Joe Reid for these pictures of Yellowhammer taken near Rathfriland yesterday.

'Death on the Shore' - check out this horror story captured by Ed O'Hara today. A fox predating on Mallard ducklings

Here's some Cyprus dragonfly pics from Dave and Orcilla Hadrick - we'll have the id up by tomorrow, pretty cool though.

Here's one we do know because it's common and it's blue - the Common Blue Damselfly. We're good for something at least. How did we get it to pose so nicely? It was hit by a car.

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