
Saturday 31st July News

Laughing Gull - 1, Ballycastle Marina, Co. Antrim (Ronan McLaughlin)
Green Sandpiper - 1, Belfast Lough RSPB, Co. Down (Ian Graham)
Common Snadpiper - 9, Belfast Lough RSPB, Co. Down (Ian Graham)
Teal - 10, Belfast Lough RSPB, Co.Down
Bar Tailed Godwit - 25, Kinnegar Shore, Co.Down
Dunlin - 2, Kinnegar Shore Co.Down
Dunlin - 20, Dargan Bay Co.Antrim
Black Tailed Godwit - 1000, Dargan Bay Co.Antrim
Scaup - 3, Dargan Bay Co.Antrim
Eider 800, Dargan Bay Co.Antrim
Little Egret - 9, Dundrum Inner Bay South (Ed McGuiggan)
Litlle Egret - 6, Dundrum Inner Bay North (Ed McGuiggan)
Greenshank - 12, Dundrum Inner Bay North (Ed McGuiggan)
Common Sandpiper - 6, Dundrum Inner Bay Nortth (Ed McGuiggan)
Sanderling - 150, Ballykinller Beach (Ed McGuiggan)
Dunlin - 30 Bann Estuary, Co.Londonderry
Sandwhich Tern - 10 Bann Estuary Co.Londonderry
Golden Plover - 6 Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry
Pied Wagtail - 50 Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry
Dunlin - 6 Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry
Peregrine - 2 juvenile Myroe Levels Co.Londonderry
Turnstone - 1 Ballykelly Co.Londonderry
Arctic Skua - 1, past Whitehead, Co. Antrim (Paul McCullough)
Great Skua - 1, past Whitehead, Co. Antrim (Paul McCullough)
Manx Shearwater - 400, past Whitehead, Co. Antrim (Paul McCullough)

Thanks again to John Marshall for this picture of a Whinchat

Thanks to Tony Dodds for this picture - we have no idea what this is.

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