
Orcillas Bird Tours Trip Report

We had a fantastic day as you can see from the photos. Unfortunately due to the high level of advertising and expectation, far too many people turned up.
Adrenalin was running very high after such a remarkable trip.

The birds went mad for the Brummy

 This one came from afar but arrived too late

 Some came from Ballycastle

 Star of the Day

The cafe ran out of vegetable roll and things turned ugly as you can see from the last picture.
There is nothing more frightening than a hungry birder.
We cannot afford to employ enough security to control such large crowds, so sadly Orcilla's Tours have been terminated.

Thank you to all our patrons

Best regards

Dave (manager) and Orcilla (expert in retirement)

Sorry no refunds as our lunches have been pre-booked for the next 6 months.