
Bird News Monday Update

2 Lapland Bunting and 2 Wheatear along the upper path at Giant's Causeway (Antrim) and 80 Pink Footed Geese flew in off the sea. (Colin Guy)
2 Lapland Bunting and 2 Greenland Wheatear at Ramore Head (Antrim) - Robert Hoy.
2 Curlew Sandpiper still at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve, adult Mediterranean Gull in the field opposite Kirkiston race course, 3,000 hirundines at Kearney Point (Down) - mostly Swallow but with Sand Martin and House Martin - and a Lapland Bunting heard in flight at Cloghy Rocks in
Strangford Narrows. (C Murphy)

The count of Lough Neagh produced 2 Pink Footed Geese and 2 Whooper Swan near Kinturk Flats, a Rock Pipit at Battery Harbour and a Black Tern between there and Kells Point (Stephen Foster).

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