
Ramore Head Seawatching, 15th September Update

Thanks to Matthew Tickner and George Gordon for helping to disentangle the totals for Ramore on the 15th. The totals would appear to be:

Sabine's Gull 6
Great Skua 117
Arctic Skua 56
LT Skua  2
Leach's  78
Storm  10
GN Diver 5
RT Diver 7
Manx  540
Gannet  165
Fulmar  5
Kittiwake 5
Little Auk 1
Grey Phalarope 6
Golden Plover 3
Arctic Tern 360
Black Tern 1
Pintail  2
Common Scoter 3
Teal  40
Tufted Duck 30
Wigeon  125
RB Merganser 1

Plus Peregrine, 2 Wheatear and 2 Snow Bunting. 
According to George Gordon, the Great Skua total is the highest by far since he started recording (the previous were 70 in 1994 and again in 1995) - so Colin Guys count in the above alone exceeds that!

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