
Bird News Saturday 18th December

16 Bramblings in a garden, Richhill, Co.Armagh. (Andrew Poots)
450+ Waxwing, the largest flock of the winter so far in Ireland, has been reported from the Whitewell Road, Belfast.
The redhead Smew was just below the Killyleagh Road bridge at the Quoile (Keith Bennett)

Waxwings were also in flight over Belfast Castle and 3 Brambling were in a garden in Waterloo Park in Belfast.(L.Toal)

In Ballymena a Waxwing was at Colonsay Park.(J.Larkin) and a Brambling, Redwing and 2 Blackcap in a garden along Ballymoney Road.(I.Miller)

An ad Med Gull was at Whiteabbey opposite the New Abbey takeaway(P.McCullough)

6 Brambling, 15 Redwing, 30 Lesser Redpoll and a Fieldfare were in a garden in Dunmurry and unusually for that area 3 Lapwing were seen in flight (C.Acheson)

4 Brambling were at Randalshough nr Monea in Fermanagh.(B.Robson)

A Fieldfare was in a garden in the Ballysillan area in Belfast (Andy Elliott).

2 Brambling, 4 Lesser Redpoll, 11 chaffinch , 6 goldfinch on feeders at Fourwinds, Belfast (Bryan Monson)

It's obvious because of the severe weather, that a lot of the reports of recent are off birds seen in peoples gardens. Andy's record above is a reminder to look out for winter Thrushes that come to our gardens looking for food. It was only yesterday that a flock of about 40 Redwing landed in my next door neighbour's garden in Belfast, but unfortunately they didn't stay long.
Brambling, Belfast - Danny Boyd

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