
Bird News Friday 17th December

What was almost certainly a Bittern has been reported from a small lough on private farmland near Ballynahinch. (Ian Jackson).

50 Waxwings were in Larne. (Bertie Spence).
8 Bramblings were in a garden in Carrickfergus. (Shirley Dunlop).
3 Bramblings were at Sharman Park, Stranmillis, Belfast. (Peter Cush).
Single Bramblings were at Cyprus Avenue in Belfast, (Danny Boyd), and at Bowens Lane, Lurgan. (Stephen Hewitt).
The harsh weather has been pushing Fieldfares into gardens.

A single Waxwing was on the Belfast Road in Newtownabbey, near the old Montracon factory.
A male Blackcap was visiting a garden at Marguerite Close, Newcastle, 8 Long-tailed Tits were at feeders and 2 Bullfinches were also seen.
35 Skylark and 2 Little Egrets were at Dundrum Inner Bay South and 10 Redwing were just south of Clough.
Fieldfare - George McKee

Brambling & Greenfinch - Danny Boyd

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