
Bird News Thursday 16th December

Well the weather forecasters have it correct - loads of snow tonight. As for the birds, todays news included:
A very high winter count of 68 Pink Footed Geese at Church Bay in Larne Lough (a
mile north of Ballycarry Bridge on the Island Magee side). 
A flock of 120 Greylag - considered Icelandic birds - was in the next field. 
2 Peregrine Falcon and 3 Greenshank were also noted. 200 Fieldfare and 200 Redwing were
near Mill Bay on Island Magee and 4 Brambling in a garden in Whitehead. (All Cameron Moore) 
Thanks to Cameron for these shots of the 1st winter Mediterranean Gull with a yellow leg ring that has been present at Ballycarry Bridge 
1st W Med Gull, Ballycarry Bridge, Larne L. - Cameron Moore

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