
Bird News Friday 8th April

The Great Grey Shrike still present at Slievenacloy.(S. McKee) The weather for Saturday is perfect for viewing the Shrike, so no better day if you haven't already seen it.
The male Ring Necked Duck was still at Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island this afternoon. (Ed O'Hara). Thanks to Ed for this shot of the bird:

Ring Necked Duck, Oxford Island - Ed O'Hara
The Snow Goose was still at Portmore Lough (Paul Scott) 2 Brambling were visiting a garden at Knock, east Belfast (W Farrelly).
A male Hen Harrier was seen at Crom Co.Fermanagh.(J.Sey).
At Lough Foyle 12 White Wagtail were at Longfield Point and 12 Greenland White Fronted Geese at Myroe Levels (Matthew Tickner).
40/45 Sand Martin were back at the colony at Killard Point and 3 Sandwich Tern and a Whimbrel at Mill Quarter Bay. A Blackcap was in song at Gilnahirk in Belfast (Karl Hamilton).
40 Sandwich Tern were back on Cockle Island in Groomsport (George Gordon).
Yesterday the adult RB Gull was still at Portrush East Strand car park (Matthew Tickner).
A Cuckoo (the first reported) was at the old railway bridge along the Gransha Road in Bangor near the Six Road Ends (Francis Duffin).
A Grasshopper Warbler (again the first reported) was at Cave Hill (Larry Toal).
The Canada Goose was still with Barnacles at Malin Head, Co. Donegal (Ronan McLaughlin).
Waxwing, Belfast City Hall - Nigel Moore

Sparrowhawk - Stephen Hewitt

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