
Bird News Sat 9th April

The Ring-necked Duck was at Ballyherly Lough, Portaferry, Co. Down (Keith Bennett & Richard Weyl)
12 Swallow and 2 Wheatear were at St John's Point (Chris Murphy)
A first year Mediterranean Gull (a new bird) was at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee)
2 Buzzard were over the Somme Centre between Bangor and Newtownards. A skein of Pale-bellied Brent were seen flying north. Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff were at the Lead Mines (Ian McKee)

The Ring-necked Duck was still at Oxford Island (Irish Birding)
A visit to Rathlin Island had 18 Willow Warblers, 14 Wheatear, 7 Swallow, 1 Sand Martin, 3 Blackcap and 16 White Wagtails. 2 Canada Geese were in the Lough Ushet area.  1 female Merlin seen catching butterflies on the wing. 1 Common Sandpiper flew over Ballycastle Harbour, calling. 2 Manx Shearwaters, Rathlin Sound (Neal Warnock)
The Glaucous Gull was still at Portavogie - photo below- (Keith Bennett)
A singing Reed Warbler was also at Ballherly Lough (Richard Weyl).
6 Black-throated diver and  a GreatNorthern diver south of Gransha Point and 8 Slavonian Grebe still at Greyabbey Bay. (Richard Weyl)
Two Brambling were still visiting a garden at Knock, east Belfast (W. Farrelly)
In the last few days at Corbett Lough, Co. Down, three Buzzards, several sightings of Red Kite, Swallows and unusually an Oystercatcher. (David McCreedy)
Canada Geese, Rathlin Island - Neal Warnock
Glaucous Gull Portavogie (3/4/11) - Craig Nash
Brambling - W Farrelly

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