
Bird News Saturday 6th August

The Hobby was still at Montiaghs Moss this afternoon (Paul Scott \ Mark Killops).
Hobby - Mark Killops
A Garganey was at Portmore Lough. A message on the noticeboard there said that a Green Woodpecker had been seen. Further information on this sighting would be appreciated.
A Great Skua was at Burial Island and a freshly dead LE Owl at Portavogie. On Wednesday 5 Whimbrel were at Ballyquintin (Richard Weyl).
A female or juvenile Garganey was at Lough Beg and a Ruff at Mullagh (David Steele).
A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull, adult Mediterranean Gull and Whimbrel were at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast and a Ruff at RSPB Reserve (Keith Bennett).
A colour ringed Sanderling and 3 summer Turnstone were at Kinnegar shore. An adult Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Common Sandpiper, Gadwall and 500 Curlew were at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve (Stuart McKee).
A Ruff was at the Bann Estuary (Neal Warnock)
26 Storm Petrel were ringed last night at Portstewart (John Clarke, Ken Perry, Rick Hoy)
Storm Petrel - John Clarke

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