
Bird News Sunday 7th August

The Hobby remains at Montiaghs Moss. (Stephen Maxwell). Is it the most photographed raptor ever in NI?
Belfast Harbour Reserve had a female Ruff, a Curlew Sandpiper and a Snipe (Norma Perceval-Price)
Three Garganey have been confirmed at Paddys Dubh, Lough Beg. Also in the area is an Osprey. A juvenille Med Gull was at the Mullagh along with 2 Spotted Flycatchers (David Steele)
Belfast RSPB reserve had 3 Common Sandpiper and 2 Whimbrel were at Kearney Point (Keith Bennet)
Another Osprey was at Portmore Lough this morning.
Hobby - Stephen Maxwell

Hobby - Stephen Maxwell

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