
Bird News Saturday 24th September

A Lapland Bunting is in a recently ploughed field with a Ruff, 180 Skylark and 3 Wheatear at 11am at Kirkistown, nr Portavogie, Co Down (Richard Weyl)
A Pectoral Sandpiper, 3 Curlew Sandpiper and 3 Ruff were at the pools at Myroe Levels (Paul Scott/Keith Bennett)
The two juvenile Black Terns and a Kingfisher were at Church Island, Lough Beg. (Keith Bennett).
1,000's of Swallows with a few Sand Martins and House Martins have been passing through South Down all day from dawn to dusk. St John's point in an hour had 9 Red Throated Divers, 70 Sandwich Tern, a Mallard and 3 Pale Bellied Brent. 10 White Wagtails flew over the lighthouse 3 Greenland Wheatear and 2 Stonechat were at Rossglass and 2 Chiffchaff and 10 White Wagtail at Killough. 4 Whooper Swan were at the Quoile Pondage. (Chris Murphy).
A Great Shearwater was seen from the Larne - Cairnryan ferry about 30 minutes out of Cairnryan. (Ian Enlander).
A Raven and a Buzzard were at Scrabo outside Newtownards. (Stephen Maxwell).
The Bairds Sandpiper was still showing well at Carrigart in Donegal. (Joe Devlin/Clifford Sharpe).
There are now two Common Rosefinch on Tory Island (Chris Ingram \ Tim Murphy) and the Hudsonian Whimbrel remains at Mizen Head, Co. Cork. A Semi-palmated Plover was in Kerry!
Gannets, St Johns Point, Co. Down - Stephen Maxwell

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