
Bird News Sunday 25th September

In the recently ploughed field at Kirkiston, Co. Down, an adult American Golden Plover has been found. Also a Buff Breasted Sandpiper was there along with 3 Ruff (Norma Price/Richard Weyl)

The Pectoral Sandpiper was feeding in the channel to the east end of Myroe Levels. 6 Ruff were in the area (Ian Patience \ Phillip West)

St John's Point over one and a half hours from 5.15p.m. had 2 Balearic Shearwaters, 5 Arctic Skua, 12 Red Throated Diver, 2 Common Scoter and 1,000 Kittiwake. (Eric Randall)

A short seawatch at Whitehead seafront this morning produced 6 Common Scoter, 2 Red Throated Diver, 200 Gannet, 60 Kittiwake and 9 Sandwich Tern. (Ian Enlander).
Pectoral Sandpiper - Philip West

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