
Bird News Saturday 12th November

A juvenile Surf Scoter was at Ushet Lough, Rathlin Island. Also 2 Twite, a Greenland Wheatear and Pink-footed Goose on the island  (Neal Warnock)

A juvenile Sabines Gull was on the shore with black-headed gulls, 1 km north of Kearney at 10.40. (Richard Weyl)
The Green-winged Teal was still at the RSPB Harbour Reserve and the Ring-billed Gull still at Groomsport.
A Goshawk was seen at the Monaghan Bank, Kircubbin, Co. Down (Keith Bennet)
A Great Northern Diver was off Seapark, Holywood. A 2nd winter Meditteranean Gull was in Dargan Bay (W Farrelly)
A Brambling was at Markethill, Co. Armagh (Irish Birding)
50 Whooper Swan were at Flatfield along the River Lagan (Chris Murphy).
4 Twite were along the seafront at Whitehead (Ian Enlander).
Also today at Orlock Point a 1st w med gull, 1 whimbrel and 10 r-t diver. At Burial Island 10 Common Scoter and 1 Great-northern Diver. A female Blackcap was 0.5 km west of Knocknelder (Richard Weyl)
A Chiffchaff was at the Oxford Island Discovery Centre (Kerry Leonard,Nick Moran)
At Larne Lough a Barnacle Goose and 20 Greylag were at 40 Acre Bay. A Goosander was at Ballycarry Bridge, 26 Golden Plover at Steel's Bay and 2 Arctic Tern at Brown's Bay (Cameron Moore).
20 Siskin, 20 Goldfinch and 20 Lesser Redpoll were at the Larches, Lagan Meadows (Ricky McQuillan).
Ring-billed Gull, Groomsport - Guy Hamilton
Red-breasted Merganser, Whitehouse Lagoon - Stephen Maxwell

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