
Bird News Sunday 13th November

A juvenile American Golden Plover and Pectoral Sandpiper were at Ardmore Point, Lough Neagh.
The Red-crested Pochard was still at Lurgan Park lake along with the Ferruginous Duck (probably of hybrid origin). An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Greyabbey Bay South and a Purple Sandpiper at Portavogie (Keith Bennett).
The Green-winged Teal was at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve along with 2,300 Golden Plover (Stuart McKee / Adam McClure)
The Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport (Guy Hamilton)
10 Red-throated, 2 Great Northern, a Black-throated Diver, 12 Common Scoter and 7 Purple Sandpiper were off Cove Bay at Groomsport (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).
4 Redwing and 24 Mistle Thrush were at the car park at Mount Stewart (Dot Blakely).
A Pomarine skua, a Short-eared Owl, at least 8 Sandwich tern, a jack snipe and a little egret at Ballyquintin Point. Also between 9.30 and 11.00 50 common scoter, a g-n diver, a r-t diver, 16 gannet and 300 kittiwake. Also 2 Sandwich tern at Portaferry and 1 at Granagh Bay (Richard Weyl)
Two Black-throated Diver and a Long-tailed Duck were between Greyabbey and Kircubbin (James Robinson
A Woodcock flew over A8 duel carriageway in Larne this morning (Adam McClure) and another was seen on the main Ballynahinch to Belfast road near the Dairy Lough (Ian Jackson)
At Clabby Mountain, Co Fermanagh this afternoon were 4 Crossbill, 1 Kestrel, 1 Raven and 30 Lapwing (Colin Bell)

Yesterday 20-40 Lesser Redpoll were at Briggs Rocks (Ron Price)

Keep a look out for all wheatears along the coast. Two male Desert Wheatears are currently at Bray Head, Co Wicklow!

A picture by Neal Warnock of the juvenile Surf Scoter seen yesterday, on Rathlin is below:
Surf Scoter, Rathlin - Neal Warnock

Shoveler - Stephen Maxwell

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