
Bird News Saturday 14th January

The Red-necked grebe was still at Greyabbey Bay S - Herring Bay (Strangford Lough) (Keith Bennett)
1st w Iceland Gull, Ballycastle. 14 Iceland (6 1st w, 4 2nd, 1 3rd and 3 adults) and 4 Glaucous (3 1st and a 3rd w) at Corbally res, Portrush. A leucistic Herring Gull was also present. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at east strand car park Portrush and 70 Purple Sandpiper at Ramore Head (Neal Warnock)
A 1st w Iceland Gull was at myroe levels. An adult Iceland Gull was at the strand road jetty, river bann, Coleraine. (Neal Warnock)
The blue phase Snow Goose was seen again near Gortatole, Lough Macnean, Co. Fermanagh. (Brad Robson)
6 Iceland Gull and an argentatus Herring Gull were at Enniskillen dump (Wilton Farrelly)
At Portmore Lough there was still the male Smew. Also a 2cy Marsh Harrier, probably male (grey central tail feathers). (Keith Bennett)
A Long Tailed Duck, 2 Tufted Duck, 3 Goldeneye, 2 Shelduck, a Buzzard and a Redwing were at the Bann Estuary. (Richard Donaghey)
A small flock of Purple Sandpiper, Dunlin and Ringed Plover were on Seacliff Road in Bangor along with 2 Shag and a lone Eider. (Richie Lort).
11 Iceland Gull, 2 adult, 5 2nd winter, and 4 1st winter, and 2 Glaucous Gull, a 1st winter and a 2nd winter, were at Ardglass harbour. (Chris Murphy).
A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at the outfall at Black Head. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).
The adult Bonaparte's Gull was at Ballygally. A Great Northern Diver was at Glenarm marina. (David Gillespie).
20 Reed Bunting, 40 Yellowhammer, 50 Chaffinch and 50 Tree Sparrow were at the junction on Ballymoran Road near Killinchy. A Sandwich Tern was at Killyleagh. A pair of Gadwall was at the lake at Roselawn Crematorium. (John Pyper, David Clarke).
At Strangford Lough a Kingfisher was at Castle Espie as well as 4 Little Egret, 15 Linnet, Goldcrest and Lesser Redpoll. (Derek Polley).
In Donegal the white morph Snow Goose was back at Big Isle. (Graham McIlwaine, Pat Watson)
Thanks to Alistair Prentice, Richie Lort and Stephen Maxwell for today's excellent pictures.

Black Headed Gull - Stephen Maxwell
Goldfinch - Alistair Prentice 

Treecreeper - Alistair Prentice 

Whoopers - Alistair Prentice 

Dunlin - Richie Lort

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