
Bird News Sunday 15th January

The adult Bonaparte's Gull was at Ballygalley, by the slipway (Keith Bennett \ Philip West \ Stephen Maxwell \ Bill Guiller)
The blue phase Snow Goose was just east of Gortatole, Co Fermanagh (Wilton Farrelly)
A 2nd w Iceland Gull and a Black-throated Diver,were on Rathlin Island (Neal Warnock)
At Portmore Lough were the drake Smew, a Marsh Harrier and 50+ Tree Sparrow (Ed O'Hara)
The Black Redstart was still at Knockinelder Bay and a Sandwich Tern was at Templecowey. Yesterday single Sandwich Terns were at Cloughy Bay and Burial Island and a Gannet at Millisle (Richard Weyl)
A first winter Iceland Gull, 13 Whooper Swan and 4 Greenland White-fronted Geese were at Black Head. At Larne Lough a fem/imm Goosander was at Glynn (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).
Also at Larne Lough a Dark-bellied Brent and a Barnacle Goose were with Greylag at Church Bay (Cameron Moore).
4 Sandwich Tern were at Portaferry (Ian Enlander)

Yesterday a single Bewick's was amongst a flock of 488 Whoopers at Donneybrewer Levels, Lough Foyle (Graham Mcalwaine)
Tree Sparrow - Ed O'Hara
Snow Goose - Wilton Farrelly

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